
Physical Exposure Database

Observed Non-Personal Data Infrastructure Humanitarian


ImageCat and its partners use remote sensing and geospatial technologies to create an exposure database to address earthquake, flood, drought, and landslide risks in Ethiopia, Kenya, Niger, Senegal and Uganda. This technology and process has been developed by ImageCat and will be shared with a variety of research organizations to support the study. ImageCat and its partners were awarded a World Bank / GFDRR contract to develop this physical exposure database. ImageCat itself has the resources and technology available to collect GDP and economic projections and, through its partnership, is able to share and pool this data to create more sophisticated crisis mapping datasets. In collecting, pooling and analyzing this data, ImageCat and its partners will be able to analyze the earthquake, flood, drought and landslide risks of five Sub Saharan African countries, in an effort to improve their resilience to such natural disasters.

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa

includes kosovo